
Clark Montessori School Foundation (CMSF) offers financial support for supplies, projects, and other costs for the benefit of Clark Montessori students. CMSF holds accounts for many organizations for spending at their discretion. These funds are gathered by the respective organization’s fundraising. CMSF also holds accounts over which CMSF has its own discretion over. This funding must be requested and approved by CMSF members. 

Request for Funding


  • Funding requests must be submitted by the Friday before the next CMSF meeting (first Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm at Clark)

  • CMSF cannot, under any circumstances, reimburse sales tax 

    • Please work with vendor to have removed; can provide tax ID if needed

  • Emergency funding can be requested on the form; adequate reasoning must be provided regarding why request was not submitted before the prior CMSF meeting and cannot wait until the next CMSF meeting

    • Emergency vote will be sent to CMSF members with 24 hours to respond

Reimbursement for Expenses


  • CMSF can not, under any circumstances, reimburse sales tax 

    • Please work with vendor to have removed; can provide tax ID if needed

  • Form may be sent electronically to 

  • Physical forms are picked up from the CMSF mailbox on Fridays 

  • All submissions must have receipts attached or request will be returned 

  • Checks are available by the Friday following the request

    • i.e. form is emailed on Wednesday, check will be dropped off/mailed by the following Friday 

  • For the quickest disbursement, bring the form to CMSF meeting (first Wednesday of every month at 5:30pm at Clark) and check will be cut

If seeking funding from an account you have discretion over, only Reimbursement for Expenses form is required. 

Request for Funding Form

Request for Funding Google Form

Reimbursement for Expenses

Reimbursement Google Form

Reimbursement Printable Form

Fundraising Application

Fundraising Application Google Form