The mission of Clark Montessori School Foundation is to support the welfare of the children and staff of Clark Montessori School and to promote high standards of achievement, athletic performance and administrative efficiency. The Foundation facilitates and administers all school-wide fundraising events and generates funds through annual solicitations and grants and allocates these funds based upon merit, need and availability.
Join us!
The Clark Montessori School Foundation meets the first Wednesday of every month at 5:30 PM at Clark Montessori High School. All members of the Clark Montessori community are welcome! To increase accessibility, starting in the 2024-25 school year, all meetings will be hybrid.
View our Calendar to find our upcoming meeting dates.
Contact info@clarkmontessorifoundation.org with questions.
Student Fundraisers help students earn money for intersessions and other school-related activities.
The Clark Montessori Fund raises money to provide funding for academic needs, Andros scholarships, school technology, capital improvements, community services transportation, staff development and more.
The Foundation is also the umbrella organization for the Music Boosters, Athletic Boosters and Alumni Association.
2024-2025 Officers
President Heather Gerker
Vice President Annie Coates
Treasurer Andi Saylor
Secretary Elena Jordan-Keller